You are what you read! 10 inspiring books for entrepreneurs

What’s holding you back from reaching full potential with your business and achieving real success? Is it lack of motivation, anxiety of public speech, or the fear of failure? Whatever it is, self-development through reading and self-education is always a great start to overcome your struggles! Here is a great selection of readings for you, recommended by our awesome community members!

The Storyteller’s Secret is a truly inspiring collection of stories about how to tell great stories, how to master business presentations and get over your anxiety of public speech. Always wondered what’s the secret behind the powerful and persuasive talks of TED speakers? This book finally unveils it!

Whether you want to achieve a professional or personal success, Stephen R. Covey’s 7 habits will set you on the right path. But don’t be mislead: this books is not only about being effective in your work. It also teaches you effective ways to be a compassionate and kind, taking personal responsibility, and living your life with a whole new, positive mindset! Remember: the change starts with you!

Wondering what are most challenging parts of being an entrepreneur? The title says it all! If you’re looking for advice specifically about entrepreneurship and project management, and the struggles and hardships one could face after getting started, The Messy Middle is the right choice for you.

The Courage to be Disliked, published in 2014, quickly made it to the bestseller lists in Japan. Even if you have your doubts about anything widely popular or “mainstream”, this inspiring and thought-provoking title is definitely worth a read, and not only for business purposes. Change your mindset, and get rid of the constant worry of being disliked!

Shoe Dog is a well-written memoir and collection of business advises from the founder and CEO of the famous Nike shoe brand himself. Have doubts about whether your startup idea has the potential to grow big? Never forget: once upon a time, some of today’s the biggest companies started from a garage, and had to build everything from scratch!

If you’re type who is always trying to view things with a scientific, rational approach, this book will speak to you on a personal level. When in emotional struggles, sometimes we can find the greatest comfort in facts and deductive reasoning. But even if you’re more of the impulsive type, give Factfulness a chance, you will surely learn something new from it!

If you’re looking for a relaxing, ordinary self-help book or classic business book, Never split the difference is not for you. However, if you enjoy FBI stories, exciting and powerful anecdotes, and want to learn negotiation techniques from the best, look no further! The ability to negotiate is one of the key skills every entrepreneur should possess, and Chris Voss will show you how easy it is to accomplish!

If your business is involved in international trade, you’re targeting international customers or just live and work in an international community, knowing how to navigate intercultural complexity is essential. Take this guide and learn about Erin Meyer's 8 aspects where cultural differences can occur; how are people from different backgrounds communicate, evaluate, persuade, lead, decide, trust, disagree and schedule. 

A book from a female entrepreneur, for (not only) female entrepreneurs: While for first sight Hiding in the bathroom seems to be a self-help book for people with anxiety disorder, in fact, it’s so much more. It’s a great resource for anyone struggling to build a professional network and business connections, while also dealing with introversion, social anxiety or just general shyness. 

Everything is Figureoutable is so much more than just the title of this New York Times bestseller. It’s a mantra, it’s something that all of us need to hear, and in this book, Marie Forleo outlines exactly how to make it work for you in a funny, wildly optimistic and passionate style. And if you can’t get enough of it, you can go ahead and follow the author’s podcast and TV show as well!

Have some feedback or other book recommendations? Please, feel free to share in our Facebook community group!